Saturday, August 28, 2010

Checking Out A New Trailer in Bath, New York

We found a trailer online that we fell in love with but couldn't find a dealer in Ontario that had the model we were looking for. There was one in Bath, NY that had one on sale so we figured it was time for a road trip to check it out and see one live. When we got there, it had most everything we were looking for but was missing a few things. After some hard negotiating (not really) we found out it would be very little trouble to order custom from the manufacturer and get everything exactly as we wanted, at a price point that was still thousands ahead of what it would cost us to do it from Canada so it was a no-brainer. This is the model we went to see but not the one we ended up ordering. They are very similar in layout but a few differences in the final product.

After finishing up at the Trailer Dealer it was off shopping (who would have thought we needed to spend any more money?!) and then the kids were happy to turn into fish at the pool in the hotel. They had all sorts of fun doing creative dives, canon balls, flips, handstands and anything else they could come up with. It was so hard to pull them away from there...I truly thought they had grown gills!"Are you coming in Mom?!"
We will be back in about 6 weeks to pick up our new "cottage on wheels"!!

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