The holidays started with my work party. Unfortunately Spencer was sick so it was Mom and Curtis off to see Santa & Mrs. Clause and then the movie - Planet 51. We played some games & did a craft too. It was great fun except standing in the endless line-up for popcorn and a drink!

Christmas Eve was a big family dinner at Al and Becky's. Grandpa O came back with us so we could all be together for Christmas morning.

Santa brought the boys DSI's and stockings full of great goodies!

Here is Daddy O getting ready to start the fun with the MP3 player.

The boys & Mom surprised Dad with a Wii & we had a bunch of fun on that over the holidays. Golf anyone?!
We also got together with Steve, Sherry & Sarah one night. We had so much fun playing games and opening presents. It was great to see them and all of our friends over the holidays.